Offers, Prices and Booking

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Pricing strategy for individual therapy

The economic strategy is to give the same help to people that cannot afford top treatment with private therapists. The standard prices has risen above the limit for most people to be able to pay. We see that Psychologists and lawyers have a very lucrative life because of the many people in need, but for the clients, it creates inequity, only economically strong people can afford the necessary period and sessions of treatment required to heal from emotional suffering. Pricing is therefore personally designed. See Prices below. Looking forward hearing from You!!



  1. Individual therapy

    Prices for Individual therapy are agreed upon, depending on your economical situation and how severe your suffering is. There will be an initial interview where number of sessions and price pr. session is set in co-operation.

  2. Group therapy

    Group therapy is $300 pr member for 3 months, 2 times pr. week. The maximum number of participants are 10.


  1. Team (Leader) and Creativity Coaching

    Prices for Professional Team Leader and Creativity Coaching are normally from $120 pr. hour. There will be an initial interview where the consultancy will be designed in co-operation.

  2. Profiling

    is normally a consultancy contract and differs from employer to employer. Write a short message to initiate the communication, or give me a call on the above number for an proposal.


Write me a Message Here



Phone Hours

Monday – Friday: 12AM – 14 PM

PS! Messages will be read and answered within 24 hours. For acute needs, call the phone line.



ManuVision Frederiksberg or Mousai House, Hvidovre, Denmark