The Art of Creativity
The spontaneous idea and creativity stems from the `true` Self.
Your ¨true¨ self is synonymous, here, to the `real` self and is the most important reality factor. The real self is from where behavior and expression is conscious and has no defense mechanisms or from where there are no self sabotaging behavioral patterns.
is the ability to create new models or constructions of some art.
The primary context of interest, here, is the ability to create new intra psychic models that gives reality based soothing and comfort, and to act according to ones wishes and dreams; The following creative expression will always be unique, as it stems from a unique place of expression.
to be creative and act to develop the self requires an intra psychic structure that is one unit with self regulation, and self-soothing and self-supportive acts. Only the true nature can be creative. The interesting creativity, here, is the ability to create new and supportive thinking-structures based on reality, and execute actions according to these supportive models, from where the personal spontaneous idea comes.