What I Do

Since 2003, I have led an personal and local effort to heal and prevent our era`s most common, modern psychological sufferings; trauma defenses. I have supported people`s intraspection and victory against trauma defenses for 22 years. I have during this time, analyzed the modern psychological climate and therapeutic techniques in Norway, Denmark, USA, Cuba and Egypt. And ultimately, I have investigated in Therapeutic visions and its history, - many flaws and great discoveries trough times.

My Mission

Help reducing sufferings caused by mirroring flaws.

“Mirroring flaws stems from caregivers. Your caregivers are defined, firstly as your parents. Secondly, as teachers, doctors, coaches etc., and finally, but importantly, the culture. The political state and cultural systems of the society, as well as the culture on your workplace.

The global consequences of mirroring flaws are fatal. You can find effects in psychological sufferings, domestic violence, homicide, gender issues, resource abuse, wars, climate threats, food scarcity, water scarcity, gender issues and resource abuse”.

- Cathrin Hoff - resilience engineer, behavior-analyst and technology anthropologist


Background and Methods

My know-how stem from my global anthropological background and studies in technology development beneficial to humans:

  1. sciences of human materialities and the materiality of sensibility,

  2. the history of consciousness and “health” sciences,

  3. the socio-cultural design of human behavior and perception,

  4. engineering degree in global business.

My therapeutic methods are according to

  1. modern personality disturbances and the different techniques used for the different specters, of sufferings,

  2. Epi-Genetic Approaches,

  3. Natural Medicine (food),

  4. Neuro-plasticity Exercises.

I have an unconventional angle to the therapeutic field, and therefore a broader and more complex approach to health and postmodern health efforts. I studied global business to understand the methods and techniques used to change behavior and set historical trajectories.


The therapeutic Method and techniques enables a progression that can be divided, roughly, into 4 phases;


Trust and therapeutic alliance


Emotional memory and internalization of traumatic emotions. Work-Through.


Recognition of externalization of traumas, activation of the real self.


Behavioral (character) change and creative mobility


How I can Help You

  • Knowing yourself in a profound and intimate way

  • Recovery from deficit and courage to authentic expression

  • Adolescent therapy

  • Mother-child intimacy and mirroring techniques

  • Aiding addicts to understand the addictive and obsessive behavior and giving a new and profound understanding of the core problems. Coach transformation process from craving into empowerment and behavioral change

  • Group therapy where focus is on the inter-relation in the group, as in ONE (cluster) relation.

How can I Help the Organization

  • Make bottlenecks in processes visible.

  • Departments and Team support, Interconnections and Streamlined Roadmaps.

  • Suggestions to improved processes and Innovation.

  • Technological developments and strategies following resillience business focal point (LEARN MORE)


“Only therapists with the right therapeutic methods, technical skills and a genuine interest in helping and listening with interest (not being a mere `polite, modest witness, reporting the truth`), can create a safe zone for people suffering from mirroring flaws, where the reconnection to-, and healing of, deep wounds,- can happen. The last step is when the patient finds strength and courage to authentic expression, and a life well lived”

— Cathrin Hoff