Therapeutic Visions
Therapeutic Horizons
Therapy at an edge
New visions and new approaches
The sciences within mental and emotional health is the newest field of science that exist, and the history of this science proves the lack of objectivity and neutrality of the creators. This has caused an enormous amount of people to be treated and mirrored from the doctors or the therapists own projections and deceptions. The 1800 centuries´ doctors where mere polite witnesses, that observed the patient and ´reported the truth´. In this context lobotomy, or leucotomy, that is a form of psychosurgery, a neurosurgical treatment of mental disorder, was performed. The modern version is electro chock or heavy psycho-pharmica.
These ways of mirroring traumatized people is a clear sign of the treaters´ own pathology and defensive projections, and not acts performed according to reality.
Creativity and Innovation
The design of `good´ or ´bad ´ humans
to be creative and act to develop the self and the surroundings empathically, requires an intra psychic structure that is not separated in defensive splits, The splits have been developed during childhood to prevent the emotions of unhealthy separation from parents, often unbearable traumas of horror. The case with the split intra psychic model, is that its there to prevent the unbearable emotions to surface. internally, but is externalized to cope.
Todays prisons are filled with sweet humans that where designed to defend against unbearable sufferings. with character defenses that are not their real self.
This means that the authentic real self is buried within. In severe cases also locked in a box with 3 m thick walls and chain locks (metaphorically) The real self is one unit with self regulation and self soothing and supportive acts,. When a person during developmental stages are not familiar to interest in teaching and guiding and warm affect from caregivers, but are requiered to serve the parents needs or severe abuse, there can not be an intra psyche that is developed from the unique core of the person. It has to adapt.
When the true nature is hidden the consequences are destructive and fatal.
and from where the personal spontaneous idea comes. Only the true nature can be creative. The interesting creativity here, is the ability to create new and supportive thinking structures based on reality. Prisons, electroshock and heavy medication do not facilitate this. It facilitates strengthening of the defense mechanisms and the false self, and ultimately designing humans to further destructiveness.
and spiritual development
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.