Get In There!

Maybe you want to change your work. Maybe you want connect to a particular someone. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Maybe you want to live your values as a parent. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world.

Whatever it is, you might experience thoughts and emotions that hinders you from actually acting on it? Do you find yourself complying to “good reasoning” for not doing it?.

The first and most important step is to admit that you do that. Maybe you feel you have no other choice? You do. Don´t despair Just get in there, ask for help and start your intra-cultural journey. Find out why you prevent yourself from a creative and self-soothing life, on a deeper level.

Maybe you answer that “I already know this, but I still suffer from inability to act like I want. There is some kind of force that make me act in ways I understand are not beneficial to me. So I feel like I am sick or that I need an exorcist, and I am not able to control it”.

Don´t despair, there is hope. Maybe you have tried therapy and say that “no therapist has managed to help me, I am a lost case”.

The therapist´s first task is to establish an therapeutic alliance with you. It is the therapist´s responsibility to create a safe zone where you feel that there are no underlying motivations other than a genuine wish to help you with your sufferings.

It does not require only a “good person”- therapist to manage therapy. The therapist need to have the technical skills as well. These `skills` stems from the therapists ability to identify own defensive mechanisms and make that a part of the therapy; to resist the need to reason with your defense mechanisms, or try to solve your problems, or be the solution to your problems.

The therapist´s job is to aid you to get to know yourself deeply and emphatically.

When you have found a therapist that manage to establish the safe zone needed to trust and open up, you can dive in!

Emotional memory will then start to surface. That is when YOU ARE IN THERE!

And when you have dived in to your intra-landscape and start exploring it´s lakes, forests and endless possibilities and unexplored gardens, you will also see and recognize the distorted, burned down and polluted parts, and you will enter these areas of destruction to regenerate; you will clean out, water and plant new seeds. You will even be able to create and shape your own landscape.

You can now work through your unbearable emotions and find the strength to resist your needs to defend against them.

Instead of defenses you learn where and how to create resources and to heal and sooth the wounds made by lies and dysfunction from your caregivers.

To find the Courage and strength to resist re-entering into old patterns, is now your next task……….


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